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Merry Christmas and Company Holidays

Dear customers of Wohnfühl Immobilien, We always use the upcoming Christmas holidays to look back on the past year. Over the past few months, our team has been working hard to provide the best possible service for your properties. Legislation is constantly presenting us with new challenges. From the obligation …
Due to the heavy onset of winter with snowfall and the associated suspension of public transport in Leipzig, all our employees are in their home …
On 20th January 2021, we'll be doing our homework for you. Due to an internal training day, our office will be closed on this day. …
Dear customers, A crazy year full of new and unexpected challenges lies behind us. Many things in the workflow, in the structures and above all …
The German Condominium Modernisation Act (WEMoG) came into force on 01.12.2020. This law will bring about fundamental changes to the WEG. This is a brief …
Dear Customers, Also this year we close our office traditionally over the Christmas holidays until New Year's Eve. This year our office will be closed …
Unfortunately, due to the restrictions imposed once again by the federal and state governments, we have to implement the following changes: Our employees will work …
The Bundestag has decided that from probably December 2020 it will no longer be possible for the brokerage fee to be charged to the buyer …
During the time of the lockdown because of the COVID-19 disease a large part of our team worked in the home office and we kept …
The corona virus caught us all off guard. In recent weeks, we have intensively studied the latest reports and take the recommendations made by the …
The Condominium Act is to be amended. To this end, the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection wanted to present a draft law by …